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A Queen Among Kings Page 4
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Page 4
She never believed in handmaidens until she met Imani. It was the only way to keep her safe and near her. Imani just carried the title as the princess’s handmaiden, she was just the best friend who lived with Adanya and enjoyed the many royal perquisites.
When Adanya was ready, Imani escorted her to the king’s chamber. Adanya ambled down the halls. She had always walked with a tenacity about herself; back straightened, shoulders back, head focused ahead at all times.
Her gown brought out the palace colors. She sported an ivory gown with many beautiful sparkled sequences that dazzled when she moved; the seamstress laced the neckline with elegant sleeves.
The dress contoured to her hips and underlined every curve. Ivory pins held her hair in a neat bun after Imani’s several attempts, her waist-length hair draped around without resistance.
When they reached the king’s door, the guards gave them a light smile of ratification.
It was an exquisite gift to see Adanya dress elegant for special celebrations. The people of Lark found her daily in armor and never without her sword.
Adanya inhaled deeply and hugged her friend before she entered the room.
To her surprise, it was only her family that attended her. She pored over her family. There was no king in sight, and for a moment her rapid heartbeat in her chest slowed, and her breath was even. Maybe it was a dream, and the announcement would be her ascension. She tried to remain positive.
Queen Nailah, her mother, stood next to her father and wore an expensive red gown just as lovely as she was; Adanya and her mother bore the same striking comparison. They both had hazel chestnut eyes and dark brown hair. Nailah’s hair wasn’t long like her daughter’s but cut and styled in a bob that cupped her heart-shaped face.
Their crowns sparkled in the lights, each customized to their select style and liking.
Queen Nailah’s expression was always unreadable, she kept the same tight smile for every occasion Adanya knew her mother would never voice her opinion and go against her husband.
Adanya shifted her gaze to her brother Kwame who stood by their father’s side with a drink in hand. His eyes were glossy and unbalanced on his feet. She rolled her eyes at the thought of him being the King of Lark.
Her father had made a grave mistake, but he refused to see it, and nothing would alter his decision. A terrible flaw, not wanting to admit his error and correct his wrongdoing.
Kofi, her youngest brother, caught her eye and offered her a warm smile that made her relax. He sat in a recliner in the corner aside from everyone else.
Adanya wasn’t close to either of her brothers, but now she wished she had spent more time with Kofi. He never gave her any trouble nor had he shown interest in the throne.
Her father had a broad smile across his face, and it disgusted her, his joy was at her charge, and her sentiments didn’t matter.
King Muto’s eyes sparkled at the sight of his eldest.
“Dawlin, you awe stunning,” Muto said. He kissed her on the cheek.
She retreated from his embrace.
“Now, the moment you’ve been waiting fo,” he said.
A metallic and acidic taste in her mouth burned the back of her throat. Her heart thrashed against her ribs.
She didn’t want to listen, and her closed eyes didn’t make it any less real; it was happening, and she had no power to stop it.
“You will wed Pwince Salim of Iyego.” King Muto raised his drink to Adanya.
Adanya opened her eyes, taking back. It couldn’t be true, but her father’s celebratory laughter told her it was. She raised her head in disbelief and spoke for the first time in weeks, she’d forgotten the sound of her own voice.
The scene still made her upset but deep down inside at the mention of his name brought her great reprieve, it could have been worst. The fact didn’t change why Salim hadn’t told her in advance, so the arrangement didn’t blindside her.
She was hot like a fever came over her; now it presented another issue she had to handle.
It all made sense; the criticisms made during their practice match. Salim wanted her to act more queen like to benefit himself.
Get it together and stay calm, she told herself.
“Yes. Salim will be yoa ozband.”
Queen Nailah perked up at the announcement.
“Well, this awwangement is wonda’ful. I always thought you two would make a lovely couple. Oh, deaw think of the childwen they will ave.” King Muto nodded and smiled at his wife.
Adanya noticed the relief in her mother’s voice. There were plenty of evil kings that women had to wed; King Omari led that list with honor, he had a queen and two other companions. He made them sleep in the same bed and engage in lewd acts together. Adanya counted her blessings, she was luckier than most princesses.
“Awe we finished I ave betta things to do, like pwepa’ fo my ascension,” Kwame said.
He looked to Adanya with a grin. She clutched her fists at her side and smiled as best she could.
“Thank you, fatha, but Kwame is wight.”
Kwame looked perplexed by his sister’s admission. Muto’s eyes darted between the two with suspicion.
“If that is all. I would like to find Salim.”
Muto blushed and gave his wife a sly smirk and subtle wink that Adanya didn’t miss.
“Okay, deaw e’s in the coa’tyawd pwepawing fo tonight’s celebwation.”
“Thank you,” she said as she bowed to her parents and headed for the door.
Her mother followed close behind, Adanya was unaware she was being followed.
They both moved through the halls, her mother couldn’t keep up with her daughter.
“Wait!” Nailah yelled out the only way to slow her down.
Adanya was not in the frame of mind for a heart to heart with her mother.
“Yes,” Adanya said.
“Oh, deaw I’m so appy for you! You ave to be excited. I wememba’.”
Adanya held up her hand.
“Yes, Moeder I’m ova’ the moon. I can’t talk wight now I ave to find Salim.”
Everyone wanted her to smile and be filled with life, excited about losing her rightful ascension, betrayed at the hands of her father. No one saw what he did as wrong.
Nailah’s brow creased and folded her arms at her daughter’s tone.
“I can’t tell by yoa manna’.”
Adanya wondered if all mothers took a class for stern stares and if so her mother accomplished it each time.
“Moeder, please I ave to go. I pwomise we’ll talk later.”
Nailah relaxed and tucked a loose strand of hair behind her daughter’s ear. Adanya pulled away; she felt betrayed by everyone.
“Okay, I’ll see you lata.”
Adanya walked away before her mother could finish and was halfway down the hall with only the train of her dress visible.
Her heels echoed throughout the secluded hallway. Every small opening, she stumbled upon she searched to make sure Salim hadn’t slipped away from the courtyard.
She was a determined woman on a mission, like a dog with an aura in its nostril, and she wouldn’t stop until she found it.
Adanya rounded the corner at the sight of the bright light from the courtyard. When she saw a glimpse of Salim, she broke into a sprint.
Salim was up ahead along with three other men who stood grinning while they celebrated.
Salim never saw her coming, and the other men were too engaged in their merriness to warn him in time.
He only felt the sharp-pointed heel at his collar with a pain in the back of his head.
The three men’s jaw dropped at the sight of their friend’s head thrown back into the polished grey marble floor.
He squinted his eyes and saw that his assailant was a scowling woman.
“Woman, what the ell?”
She glared at the three panicked men.
“Leave us!”
Adanya watched as the men scrambled around
the corner missing the wall.
“You knew, and you didn’t tell me!” Adanya pressed her heel in further until a spot of blood trickled out. Salim winced in pain.
“Listen to me, I found out when we awwived a’. They only told me I would mawwy a pwincess. I ad no idea it’d be you.”
She released pressure but kept her heel rested on his neck.
“Can you please let me up so we can discozs this like adults?”
Adanya’s face softened, and body relaxed at his words and lowered her heel until his body relaxed.
Salim gasped for air as he stood. He saw Adanya for the first time. His lips formed a smile.
“You look amazing.”
Adanya did her best to hide her smile, she was still mad and wasn’t interested in his compliments but rather explanations he owed her.
At the brush of Salim’s hand to her cheek, she wanted to wrench herself away, but she loved his touch, it sent chill bumps all over her body.
“I undesstand you’we upset Adanya, but please believe me. Ad I knew in advance I would ave told you. I could neva’ keep something like this fwom you.”
His eyes were damp with emotion, his voice had a slight tremble desperate for Adanya’s belief. It didn’t take much; she trusted him. Her stooped shoulders eased, and tears rolled down her cheeks.
Salim wrapped her in a strong hug and soothed her back. She melted into his arms as did her worries.
They sat in silence on a bench in the enchanted garden. Preparations were in full swing. Servants carried decorations, dishes of food, and drinks to the reception hall. Adanya stared into space and struggled to make sense of the last few weeks.
Many options crossed her mind. She let her mind wander, something she often did in the enchanted garden. Salim suggested they sit and talk there. He hoped it would relax her from the stress.
Salim gave her a soft nudge.
The sky was clear, a perfect day and Adanya looked towards it, something about it always gave her tranquility; something she needed at the moment.
“My fatha told me that if I don’t mawwy you, he will banish me without a title and ome,” she said.
Salim’s brow furrowed and nodded.
“E told us about the ultimatum. I don’t agwee with it. Yoa fatha jozt wants mo powa, that’s all.”
Kingdoms were only as strong as their king and their alliances; Muto wanted to ensure Lark would continue to flourish.
“Many kings desi’e too much powa’,” she said.
Adanya couldn’t resist admiring Salim every opportunity that presented itself.
He was a gorgeous man and his royal blue suit trimmed in gold only enhanced his beauty. A magnificent man that could’ve been someone else’s, but he was hers. She should’ve been happy but how could she? She wanted Salim by choice not by force.
“Why didn’t you tell me you wa’ going to ave an awwanged mawwiage when we wa’ togetha?” she inquired.
His brow arched, and he blushed.
“Embawwassed and I didn’t want you to think I needed elp finding love o’ at least someone who would make a pwopa’ queen,” he said.
Adanya touched his hand.
“I also didn’t want you to question my love fo you.”
Her heart fluttered, and a warm sensation ran down her body. She suspected Salim had feelings for her, but to hear the words was overwhelming.
“Yes, and as much as you refute it in tha.” He placed his hand over her heart and beamed. “You’ve shown me, you love me too.”
Salim snaked his arm around her waist and pulled her to her feet. She stared deep into his brown eyes. Without hesitancy, he slimmed down grabbing the nape of her neck and kissed her with all the passion he had within him. Even his lips taste of vanilla on her soft lips.
Their tongue touched slowly, his teeth ever so gently catching the bottom of her lip, she savored the moment with him. The world melted around them, just the two of them and everything else didn’t matter. Her first kiss was the sweetest thing she’d experience.
Adanya stepped back breathless.
“I love you, and I’m so’wy it took all these yeaws to tell you.”
Salim grinned and caressed her cheek.
“I can’t do this, and I know it means giving up ev’ything and who I am. Maybe it’s time fo me to find my way. I’ve been doing things to satisfy ev’yone except myself. I’m te’d Salim. This mawwiage would be yet anotha thing to do fo someone else.”
She searched Salim’s eyes for understanding. He gave her a kiss to her forehead and pulled her into a hug.
“Woman you awe a woyal pain in my butt, but I’m willing to wait fo you.”
“I’m not asking you to wait on me, Salim. I know I can’t expect you to.”
He looked down at her.
“That’s ow love wo’ks. I can manage, now that I am ca’etain of yoa feelings I can’t picta’ mawwying anyone but you. Come bagk when you’we weady,” he said.
With Salim’s reassurance maybe, things could get better.
The reception hall looked like a scene from a fairy tale. Decorative chairs and tables, and flowers complimented the kingdom’s colors. Her father spared no expense for the festivity.
White lanterns floated above them, with a live band that played soft music as the guests mingled. People from Iyego came to support their future king.
No one cared about the news the officials would give, all they wanted to do was eat food, sip wine and be merry.
The food and wine aroma permeated the hall inside and out. The long tables had food piled so high it made it hard for the guest to carry on conversations.
Kingdom officials informed citizens it was important news and to dress their best. Long colorful gowns paraded and flowed in the room and men wore tailored suits representing their kingdom.
The trumpet sounded and drew everyone’s attention to the entrance.
King Muto and his wife entered first, followed by Salim’s parents. Adanya’s brothers, and after, the guests of honor; Salim and Adanya made their way inside, arm in arm.
All eyes were on the two as soon as they walked through the door. People whispered, and she wondered how many had already guessed the news.
Salim proposed they informed their parents of their decision before the party, however, Adanya wanted the people to know from her why she would no longer be in the kingdom as a royal.
The royals set at the front of the table where the servants and guards stood. Adanya searched the crowd for Imani. Someone hid her behind a taller gentleman in a pale grey suit to the right of the royal table.
Imani’s eyes widened when she saw Salim and gave an approving nod and thumbs up. Adanya sniffled a giggle.
Everyone took their seats; King Muto stood and addressed the audience. He never had to use a microphone when he spoke. His voice boomed across the room, and his heavy tone captured everyone’s attention.
“Good evening. On behalf of my family and I, we would like to thank you fo joining us this evening.”
A burst of applause erupted in the hall.
“I know you all awe cu’ious about the announcement. I will allow Pwince Salim and Pwincess Adanya to step fo’wawd and announce it.”
The crowds’ whispers sounded like a frenetic beehive in overload.
Salim gave Adanya’s hand a gentle squeeze and led her from her seat. Her stomach flop and churn, she felt hot all over by the time they reached the center of the room.
Salim stood to her left and handed her the microphone. He was there for the emotional support; he hated public addresses and had a lot to get used to as king.
It was time to choose her fate.
“As my fatha stated, thank you fo coming out. You all look v’y beautiful tonight.”
The crowd gave her approving nods and smiles.
“Mawwiage isn’t something that anyone should take lightly o’ fo the f
aint at eawt.”
The guests fidgeted in their seats, most had leaned forward and stopped eating; eager to hear more.
“I will wed Pwince Salim next week.”
The guests exploded in cheers and shouts of happiness. Lines formed in the center of Salim’s forehead but his confusion subsided; he was proverbial with her dramatic communication. He wished she would have just been straightforward this time around because of the severe consequences she faced.
Adanya beckoned for the crowd to settle down.
“Oweva’, the Pwince and I did what’s in the best inta’st of myself.”
She gave her father a pointed stare. Her tensed body and rebellious eyes conveyed to Muto what she’d say next, and before he could silence her, the words rushed out like lightning.
“We will not wed and I will no longa’ ba’ the title of pwincess because of my choice not to mawwy im.”
Guests’ whispers turned into questionable shouts of concerns.
“Why?” A man asked.
“This is a joke,” replied another man.
“You can’t make the pwincess leave,” yelled a lady wearing Iyego’s kingdom’s colors.
Shouts of rage filled the reception hall.
Adanya looked to her father who whispered in Kwame’s ear. He nodded his head to her, disappointment traced his face, but he remained calm, rooted.
The one thing that upset Adanya the most about her father, his inability to show emotions not as a king because she understood his position, but as a father.
He smiled and ignored the crowd that had turned unhitched with worry and queries.
Salim tried to answer questions, but his voice was inaudible from the bellows of the crowd. For the first time she saw her mother upset, she even pushed Muto and had an exchange of words. She couldn’t make out if her mother was on her side or if she wanted her husband to get control of their guests.
A pair of hands tightened around Adanya’s arms, and she saw the guards flanked her side; they forced her to move forward. She struggled against them, but their grip tightened the more she fought.
“Unand me!”
Salim was about to react to the guard who grabbed Adanya until his father blocked his path before he could further pursue the matter.
The guards drug her through the hall. All around her she heard shouts of demands for answers and unfairness. Worst of all, Kwame led the escort.